Experiencing lulls in creativity is quite normal, but creativity is something that which unlocked can be useful in all facets of your work and personal life, from helping you bring new ideas in the ways that you work allowing more fun into your working and personal life! Here are some proven ways to tap into your creative side.

Get in touch with nature.
As simple as it might sound, getting out into the green can do wonders for your mental wellbeing and levels of creativity.
Researchers at Sharp have found that being in the outdoors has been shown to lower stress levels and enhance feelings of relaxation (the perfect state to come up with new zany ideas!).
Get creative – express yourself to get those creative juices flowing!
Dance, paint, draw (doodle?) or sing! Whatever it is that helps you express yourself. Experts state that nurturing this side of us allows to feel more joy and creativity and helps us to get in touch with our ‘inner child’ and this playfulness is what breeds curiosity and imagination.

Go for a walk!
A simple walk could get you to become more creative, this is due to the increase of blood circulation to the brain which allows for more oxygen to the brain, which helps in gaining better mental clarity and new way of thinking in contrast to a tired or foggy mind.

Listen to some music
According to Forbes, music can improve cognition and enhance learning and memory, it can also broaden our mindset and enhance our desire to explore and play. What is more, studies have found a strong correlation between positive mood and creativity.
Surround yourself with inspiration
Many psychologists suggest that your surroundings can also play a role in creativity as stimulating environments can facilitate more imagination. So, having things that you personally find inspiring, and motivating can help. This can either be some lovely plants and artwork or you can create your own vision or mood board to hang up. Many office workers did prefer having small plants around their working space.

Start Brainstorming ideas – and jot them down!
Allocate some time to come up with fresh ideas and keep a notebook handy to keep note of them when creativity unexpectedly strikes.
Let your mind wonder
Research has shown that being bored stimulates creativity and new ideas. So let your mind wonder when you next catch yourself feeling bored and see what comes up! Prints of quotes and ideas relative to your field can help inspire your own ideas! Seeing others express their own ideas can help fuel yours.
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